Thursday, April 28, 2011

Some Like it Hot!

Another great infographic!  I found this Infographic about the Sun on the Daily Infographic site. 

Infographics are a fantastic way to get over the "Worksheet Blues".  Most teachers and students get bored with Worksheets.  These days, we have so many more options for making math interesting and relevant.  With so many forms of Multimedia at our finger tips, we can easily find sources of current and relevant information to use for practice of math skills and concepts. We don't have to feel tied to worksheets anymore! 

Using forms of multimedia like images, videos, and Infographics also help you Differentiate Instruction.  They give you the ability to provide content and information which appeals to the interests of your students.  For example, students who like Science would love the opportunity to use something like this infographic to practice math skills.  Just remember to keep mixing up the topics of the Multimedia you choose so you're appealing to the interests of various students.

There are many possibilities for creating math problems from this Infographic. Think about using it to create and practice Scientific Notation and Proportion problems. 

How would you use this infographic to teach or practice math concepts?  Leave a comment.

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